Tourism and its role in economic development, Morocco is a model


  • admin admin
Keywords: Tourism, economic development, tourism services, strategies


This research aims to highlight the role played by the tourism sector in Morocco in the process of economic development, this sector is among the most active sectors in terms of income, through management policies that helped to develop and codify this sector.

We also do not forget the tourism qualities that abound in Morocco and its geographical location which overlooks two interfaces: the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, which helped in the first place to promote the Moroccan tourism product and make it one of the development resources on which to contribute to the economic growth.

In this article we will try to address the definition of the concept of the arena, and the extent of its contribution to the economic development in Morocco.

How to Cite
admin, admin. (2021). Tourism and its role in economic development, Morocco is a model. Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 4(1), 147-159. Retrieved from[]=101