The Role of Business Intelligence in Supporting the Entrepreneurial Culture of entrepreneurs in Bechar City

Bouanini Samiha

  • Bouanini Samiha Department of economic, Business and Management, University of Bechar, Algeria
Keywords: Business Intelligence, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial Culture, Role, Support


The current changes in the market have pushed attentions to business intelligence and entrepreneurial culture to support national economy. This study aimed to show the importance of both business intelligence and entrepreneurial culture, and to know their components as well to highlight the importance of business intelligence in supporting entrepreneurial culture. This study tried to answer the following problem: what is the role of business intelligence in supporting entrepreneurial culture of entrepreneurs in Bechar city? This study used a questionnaire addressed to 150 entrepreneur in Bechar in December 2020. This study found that business intelligence is still far from being applied by entrepreneurs in Bechar, and there is a great lack of entrepreneurial culture of entrepreneurs in Bechar, which confirmed the hypothesis of this study.

How to Cite
Bouanini , S. (2021). The Role of Business Intelligence in Supporting the Entrepreneurial Culture of entrepreneurs in Bechar City. Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 4(2), 59-69. Retrieved from[]=116