Environmental responsibility as an entry point for the company's contribution to achieving sustainable development- case study of the cement company of Ain El Kebira - Setif


  • admin admin
Keywords: Environmental responsibility, Environmental performance, sustainable development, cement company of Ain El Kebira


The rapid growth witnessed by the economic institutions at the present time, especially the industrial ones, has led to an increase in environmental pollution resulting from the exercise of its industrial activities, which worsened the image of the institution and made it irresponsible to society, and as a result many institutions committed themselves to their environmental responsibility in order to protect the latter from negative influences. And improving its environmental performance in order to embody one of the principles of sustainable development.

Among the Algerian institutions that have come a long way in this is the cement company of Ain El Kebira - Setif, which made it a pioneer in the cement sector in Algeria, and through this research paper the techniques and mechanisms that the institution adopted in the field of environmental protection were discussed, as the results of the study concluded that The Foundation pursues an integrated management system policy an integrated approach between quality, health, safety and the environment, through which it seeks to work within the highest environmental standards to contribute to limiting harm and preserving the right of future generations, embodying the environmental dimension of sustainable development.

How to Cite
admin, admin. (2021). Environmental responsibility as an entry point for the company’s contribution to achieving sustainable development- case study of the cement company of Ain El Kebira - Setif. Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 3(4), 71-84. Retrieved from https://jege.univ-adrar.edu.dz/index.php?journal=jege&page=article&op=view&path[]=85