Marketing small business ideas through micro-loans. Case Study National Agency for Microcredit Management-ANGEM- Bechar Agency.

Hadji Karima, Douli Souad

  • admin admin
Keywords: Marketing an idea, small projects, Microcredit, Marketing mix, Bechar Agency


This research aims to study the strategy of the National Agency for Microcredit

Management in marketing the ideas of small projects

To encourage individuals to invest and establish small projects.

The most important results of this research were that the National Agency for Microcredit Management is marketing the ideas of small projects by developing a marketing mix for microcredit in order to achieve the largest number of proposed projects in a thoughtful time. The embodiment, as well as attracting the largest possible number of target groups to establish h small projects

How to Cite
admin, admin. (2021). Marketing small business ideas through micro-loans. Case Study National Agency for Microcredit Management-ANGEM- Bechar Agency. Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 4(1), 86-101. Retrieved from[]=97