The innovative scientific endowment and its importance in developing education and scientific research - leading Emirati models-

Athmane ALLAM, Amar LAMRI

  • admin admin
Keywords: Scientific wakf, Education, Scientific Research. Innovation, United Arab Emirates


This research aims to study the importance and role of innovative scientific wakf (endowment) in supporting and developing education and research.

      We highlighting several models of outstanding scientific Wakf in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The main focus was on the Arab Science and Technology Foundation (ASTF) as well as the contributions of the Mohamed Bin Rashid International Center for Endowment Consultancy

How to Cite
admin, admin. (2021). The innovative scientific endowment and its importance in developing education and scientific research - leading Emirati models-. Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 4(1), 118-132. Retrieved from[]=99