Rationalizing the environmental performance of the economic enterprise by measuring its financial performance and competitiveness

Abdelmadjid Badri

  • Abdelmadjid Badri Department of Economic , University of Saida, Algeria
Keywords: Environmental performance, Enterprise, Financial performance, Competitiveness, Cost-effectiveness


The subject of the study is about the possibility of rationalizing the environmental performance of the economic institution by linking it to financial performance and competitiveness, given that these two variables have a great impact to find out. In the field study, we touched upon the extent of the impact of the two aforementioned variables on the environmental performance of the cement corporation in a SAIDA town. We came to positive results that show the extent to which the environmental performance of the corporation is affected by these two variables.

How to Cite
Badri, A. (2021). Rationalizing the environmental performance of the economic enterprise by measuring its financial performance and competitiveness. Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 4(2), 120-137. Retrieved from https://jege.univ-adrar.edu.dz/index.php?journal=jege&page=article&op=view&path[]=120