The implications of the collapse of oil prices on the Algerian economy During the period 2014-2018 - Analytical study

Hassani benaouda, Abdrrahmane abdelkader

  • admin admin
Keywords: Oil, Natural resource, management, Algeria, Economic indicators, budget


This research aims to analyze the effects of the collapse of oil prices on some selected economic indicators in Algeria during the period (2014-2018), as oil represents the main pillar of the Algerian rentier economy, and thus any oil shock poses a threat to the developments of economic indicators in Algeria, and the best evidence is On this, the effects caused by the collapse of oil prices starting in 2014, which extended to social aspects, and we cannot say negative dependence on natural resources in the economy, but the problem is due to the mismanagement of these natural resources, and the study concluded that the absolute dependence on oil and misuse Financial surplus The years of the oil boom led to the fragility of the Algerian economy, and it was rapidly affected by the negative changes in oil prices.


How to Cite
admin, admin. (2020). The implications of the collapse of oil prices on the Algerian economy During the period 2014-2018 - Analytical study. Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 3(3), 43-58. Retrieved from[]=74