The main sources of domestic inflation in the short term The Case of Algeria: A Standard Study for the Period :(2000-2018)

Benamra Abderrazak, Aznag Fatma

  • admin admin
Keywords: Inflation, Sources of domestic inflation, Algerian Economy, VAR model


This study aimed to identify the main sources of short-term domestic inflation in the Algerian economy for the period 2000-2018, using the monetary mass, public expenditure, wage growth rate as indicators of internal sources, and imported inflation as an indicator of external sources, and using the VAR model, the study founded that the growth rate of wages and public expenditure are the most important sources of local inflation in Algeria in the short term during the study period compared to other sources.

How to Cite
admin, admin. (2021). The main sources of domestic inflation in the short term The Case of Algeria: A Standard Study for the Period :(2000-2018). Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 3(4), 115-128. Retrieved from[]=88