The Impact Of Diversification In Income Sources On Economic Growth “Standard Study Of Some Mena Countries For The Period 2000-2018”

Fekir Kamel , Yousfat Ali

  • admin admin
Keywords: Economic Growth, Diversification of Income, MENA Countries, Static Panel Models


            Our research aims to study the effect of diversification strategy on income sources in achieving high economic growth rates, Especially among countries who are dependent on a single source of income, which is oil like the MENA countries that are totally dependent on their economic activity on rentier incomes that are directly affected by fluctuations in international prices for this substance which requires the need of accelerating the diversification of its production base for the sake  moving from the rentier economy to the productive one that calls for the participation of all sectors of the economy in diversifying their sources of income.

             Accordingly, this standard study showed us the contribution of  added values for both the agriculture and services sectors by using static panel models in achieving sustainable development in general as well as raising growth rates in particular in addition of mentioning the role that tourism plays as a strong source of income in some sample countries.

How to Cite
admin, admin. (2020). The Impact Of Diversification In Income Sources On Economic Growth “Standard Study Of Some Mena Countries For The Period 2000-2018”. Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 3(3), 59-72. Retrieved from[]=75