Functional performance in sports facilities and activating the requirements of modern management

Mansouri nabil, Azzouz mohamed

  • admin admin
Keywords: Organizational performance, balanced performance card, modern management


Distinctive management is one of the branches of modern human science, a science whose focus is on finding the best way to accomplish the tasks assigned to the workforce to achieve the desired objectives of the institutions to the fullest, and the administration can be defined in general as a set of rules and principles used by the manager In order to harness the resources and use them in the most appropriate manner to achieve the desired objectives of the establishment with the least time, effort and cost possible, and this research focused on a new management tool called Balanced Scorecard, which runs in line with the strategic plan of the Foundation, The management itself often deceives itself by saying that the bottom line is everything, and the truth is that managers can not ignore this line, because the performance indicator refers to what happened, and this is not what is required. The Balanced Scorecard not only measures how you do it, How it works, and what you can expect to do in the future. By doing so, the management of the sporting institution will be able to work according to a clear vision and thus improve performance. Taking into account that the Balanced Scorecard takes the principle that all organizations are based on their employees. The four axes in the card focus on balancing the efforts of the employees to record the measurements that were defined in order to evaluate the objectives from each axis perspective according to a clear and comfortable scoring score. So that everyone in the organization can know the progress made by the institution in achieving its objectives. In addition, the concept of the balanced performance card has been addressed and its usefulness and mechanism of application

How to Cite
admin, admin. (2021). Functional performance in sports facilities and activating the requirements of modern management. Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 3(4), 45-57. Retrieved from[]=83