Join Us

1.As an Editorial Board member

To join our Editorial Board, we are searching for professionals. This study helps to contribute and offers a better way to develop your reputation as a well-known expert in your field and can lead to increased invitations to talk at conferences or to request your specialized area for invited research. You are among the contributors who will shape and determine the urgent ways of changing societal needs as needed.

Associate editors manage papers assigned by the Editor-in-Chief, assisted by reviewers chosen by their specific area of expertise. The Associate Editors would then make a decision based on the comments of the reviewers and make a recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief. The up-front dismissal of unsuitable or barely significant papers can also be suggested.

The position of the Editorial Advisory Board in the Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship is to provide advice, recommendations and specialist scientific support, sometimes acting as Guest Associate Editor for specific papers or Guest Editor for specific thematic issues, proposing opinion papers, editorials or reviews and acting as problem/controversial paper reviewers.

In conjunction with the other components of the Editorial Board, the Editorial Advisory Board members will act as ambassadors for the Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship throughout the technical and scientific community.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the journal's editorial board, please join us and send your CV

 to  with the email subject: the Editorial Board Application.

2.As a Reviewer member

We invite you to become our journal reviewer. Submitted manuscripts to our journal are peer-reviewed. All manuscripts submitted to our journal require reviewers. An Editor-in-Chief or a Guest Editor subsequently takes a final judgment about how a manuscript needs to be changed based on the feedback of the reviewer. We sincerely invite you to join our pro peer review at  the Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship.

You will offer assistance to writers from around the world by participating and will provide them with your ideas and feedback based on your valuable experience. When you are willing to be a volunteer, please submit your CV with

to  with email subject: Peer-Reviewer Application.

It is possible to outline the procedures as follows:

-Send us your CV With ;

-Become a peer-reviewer;

Receive manuscripts from us, study the manuscripts, and return your comments within four weeks at the most.