Sports Entrepreneurship in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic

Nasri mohamed cherif

  • admin admin
Keywords: Sports, Entrepreneurship, Pandemic, COVID-19


This study aims to identify the field of sports entrepreneurship, by presenting the most important concepts associated with it, and how it became an important element in the sports industry, which is witnessing an increasing growth from year to year due to its adoption of innovative and innovative marketing policies, and how sports entrepreneurship faced the crisis of a pandemic Corona COVID-19, and the various measures resulting therefrom, through the strategies followed, taking risks and venturing into solutions through contractors, and how to adopt the method of creativity and innovation in overcoming the consequences of the pandemic, which was considered a storm in the eyes of some and an opportunity in the eyes of others.)

How to Cite
admin, admin. (2021). Sports Entrepreneurship in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic . Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 4(1), 133-146. Retrieved from[]=100