The importance of promotion in motivation the tourism sector - The State of Qatar as a model -

Bettayeb Abdelwahab

  • admin admin
Keywords: Tourist activity, Hotel facilities, Tourism promotion, Tourism services


The tourism industry has experienced rapid growth at the international level, due to its link to the development of all kinds, and since tourism is a service activity, marketing is the focus of its development strategies, relying mainly on an effective promotional mix that allows tourists to get acquainted with the offered tourism products and even affects the purchasing behaviour and leaves in his mind a positive image towards these products .

Our applied study was the State of Qatar, which has known large investments in hotel facilities and tourism establishments and increased interest in developing tourism services it provides, as it relied on tourism promotion and considered it a pillar of its marketing strategies, which achieved a growing flow of tourists, so Qatar received 10.5 million visitors during the first half of the year (2019). An increase of 11% compared to the same period of the year (2018).

How to Cite
admin, admin. (2021). The importance of promotion in motivation the tourism sector - The State of Qatar as a model -. Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 4(1), 200-217. Retrieved from[]=105