Underwriting policy and its role in maining the solvency of insurance companies (Evalute the underwriting policy of SAA for the period 2016/2019)

Zebar Amel , Mehaidi Douadi

  • Amel Zebar University of Ferhat Abbas Sétif1 , LEMAC laboratory ,Algeria,
  • Mehaidi Douadi University Ferhat Abbas Sétif1 , LEMAC laboratory, Algeria
Keywords: insurance, insurance companies, solvency, Insolvency, underwriting policy


This research deals with the solvency of insurance companies and how to maintain them, in order to avoid them falling into the risk of financial hardship, which is the result of many factors, the most important of which are the risks arising from the nature of their functions, especially the underwriting function. Which is the basis of the insurance process and the secret of its success or failure starts from it in particular, which clearly highlights the importance and role of the underwriting policy followed by the company, to achieve an underwriting profit that enhances its financial solvency. extending from 2016/2019; and by calculating the various indicators related to this. It pursues a rational underwriting policy that has enabled it to achieve leadership in the Algerian insurance market with distinction.

How to Cite
Zebar , A., & Douadi, M. (2021). Underwriting policy and its role in maining the solvency of insurance companies (Evalute the underwriting policy of SAA for the period 2016/2019). Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 4(6), 74-88. https://doi.org/10.5281/10.5281/zenodo.4482060