The Impact Of The Business Environment On Attracting Foreign Direct Investment In Algeria Is a standard Study During The Period 1980-2020

OUESSAI Rabah , RAMLI Mohamed

  • Rabah OUESSAI طالب دكتوراه ، جامعة الدكتور مولاى الطاهر سعيدة ،الجزائر
  • Mohamed RAMLI أستاذ محاضر ، جامعة الدكتور مولاى الطاهر سعيدة، مخبر بحث إدارة و تقييم أداء المؤسسات "اتمام" ،الجزائر
Keywords: Business environment, FDI, Determinants of the B.E, Cointegration, impact


The abstract this research paper aims to highlight the reality of the business environment in Algeria , and its impact on attracting foreign direct investment to it ,and in the context of this paper deals with initial concepts of the business environment as well as the most important indicators of its measurement , in addition to concepts about  foreign direct investment. To demonstrate the effect, a method of cointegration was used during the period 1980-2020.

The study found that the business environment affects the attraction of foreign direct investment according to the competency index graduated from higher education according to the model used.

How to Cite
OUESSAI , R., & RAMLI , M. (2021). The Impact Of The Business Environment On Attracting Foreign Direct Investment In Algeria Is a standard Study During The Period 1980-2020. Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 4(6), 11-132.