Measuring the impact of job stress on the performance of employees at Taheri Muhammad Bashar University

Akacem Hasna, Mokaddem Abdeldjalil

  • Hasna Akacem Lecturer "A", Department of Economics, The Laboratory of the Spatial Development and Entrepreneurship Studies (SEDLab), University of Ahmed Draya Adrar, Algeria
  • Abdeldjalil Mokaddem Lecturer "A", Department of Economics, Taheri Mohamed Bechar University, Algeria
Keywords: conditions of work, role conflict, role ambiguity, performance, work stress


The purpose of this study was to identify the levels of work stress and job performance as well as the relation between work stress and job performance among the university Tahri Mohammed Employees in Bechar .the study identifies a community of employees Foundation of them were selected sample size was 45 employees, for completion of this study, we prepared a questionnaire composed of three sections : Devoted the first part of personal information , the second of them  work stress styles consists of 27 questions, and the third part regards job performance consists of 09 questions, was this relationship is tested using SPSS 19 statistical program , This study concludedThe sub-dimensions of work stress( the conditions of work, workload) on the responding variable(work performance) was found to be significant

How to Cite
Akacem, H., & Mokaddem , A. (2021). Measuring the impact of job stress on the performance of employees at Taheri Muhammad Bashar University. Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 4(8), 68-82.