Ensuring consumer safety within the framework of the precautionary principle

Harrouchi OumelKheir

  • OumelKheir Harrouchi University Ahmed Draya Adrar, ( Algeria)
Keywords: Commitment to nsure safety, consumer protection, the principle of precaution, modern damagesresponsibility


he consumer has become a victim of scientific development in general and in the field of consumption in particular, so that he is led behind advertisements and temptations, and the risks and damages to him have increased.

The research is concerned with the obligation to ensure consumer safety within the framework of the precautionary principle in order to confront the modern damages that have become to the consumer.

Therefore, the legislator must activate the legal mechanisms to protect the consumer and confront these damages.

How to Cite
Harrouchi, O. (2022). Ensuring consumer safety within the framework of the precautionary principle. Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 5(2), 12-24. https://doi.org/10.5281/10.5281/zenodo.4482060