Digital economy in Algeria "Analytical study of the ICT sector

Khaled Rjam 1, Khawla Wassel 2, Elouisa Saada 3

  • jege editor
Keywords: Information and Communication Technology, Digital Economy, ICT Sector Indicators


Information technology has become a major focus of development in its various fields and a key pillar in measuring the development and progress of nations. Modern information and communication technologies have contributed to a significant leap forward in the world, enabling communities to communicate, communicate and share information with ease. With the enormous technical progress and the low prices of equipment and services, ICT services have become accessible to many of the world's people. These services have extended to remote and remote areas, contributing to the convergence of communities, transforming the world into a small village, Telecommunications market has become a promising market and dynamics it offers employment opportunities and development and incomes, and try it in these research paper dropping light on the reality of ICT in Algeria and its prospects as a strategic option sector to move forward into the digital economy

How to Cite
editor, jege. (2020). Digital economy in Algeria "Analytical study of the ICT sector. Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 1(01), 43-64. Retrieved from[]=24