The Regulatory Authority of Post and Electronic Communications: A case study of The Electronic Communications Market in Algeria

Menad Mohammed , Zine Dine Gueddal

  • youssfat
Keywords: Regylatory Authority, electronic communication, telephone market, internet market, Algeria


This study aims to identify the state of the electronic communications market in Algeria through the newly created tuning authority to frame and regulate this market according to the powers granted to it and through several mechanisms of intervention and at several levels, most notably the phone market and the Internet market, where the tasks of the authority were addressed regulating postal and electronic communications and its organizational structure, as well as systems for the exploitation of electronic communications ,It was also referred to within the stages of the research to the economic adjust and the various authorities of it, leading to a statistical presentation and analysis of the phone market and the Internet market, in addition to the share of each dealer in this market is without neglecting the consumer rights guaranteed by the applicable regulation and legislation.

    The study concluded that the authority to adjust the post and electronic communications in Algeria contributed significantly to the regulation of the telephone and internet markets in various types of technology directly related to these two markets and achieving a set of positive economic performances, and the latter is considered an important market, despite reaching a state of market saturation, which was preceded by continuous growth.

How to Cite
youssfat. (2023). The Regulatory Authority of Post and Electronic Communications: A case study of The Electronic Communications Market in Algeria. Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 6(1), 47-58.