The reality analysis of the knowledge economy in Algeria

Boulouma Hadjira, Mimouni Ahmed Reda, KHerraf Mokhtaria

  • youssfat
Keywords: knowledge, knowledge economy, indicators of knowledge economy


This research paper discusses the theoretical foundations of the knowledge economy. According to the theoretical framework, the knowledge economy is the creation of a set of strategic changes in the nature of the economic environment and its organization to become more responsive and in line with the challenges of globalization, information and communication technology, the universality of knowledge, and sustainable development in its holistic and integrated concept, before this situation remains to Algeria Any room for hesitation in keeping pace with the new economy. For this reason, the study tried to diagnose the reality of the knowledge economy and to devise the most important obstacles facing Algeria in order to enter this economy based on the analysis of some indicators worldwide. Of the knowledge economy. The study concluded a set of solutions, the most important of which is developing the use of information and communications technology by developing the appropriate legislative environment for electronic transactions in all its forms. Paying attention to the subject of the knowledge economy and addressing the imbalance that exists in every corner of it, encouraging national competencies for creativity and innovation.

How to Cite
youssfat. (2020). The reality analysis of the knowledge economy in Algeria. Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 2(1), 31-46. Retrieved from[]=29