Legal and Financial assesment of compensation for traffic accidents in Algerian legislation

Laksaci Sid Ahmed

  • youssfat
Keywords: harm, compensation, lnferential point


Despite of atmost importance of the car and other means of transportation in our daily lives, but their use does not pass without harming the human self, and gains. It is unfortunate to admit that this is a tax for every development, accidents are the inevitable result of speed and lack of precautions. But what is remarkable, is the frequency of these incidents, their development, and the great number of wounded and dead victims, however; others depict it as “the road war”. As a non-hidden sign, the results of vehicles use, and wars results are similar in terms of human and material losses. As a result of the seriousness of the matter, the Algerian Lawmaker has devoted mandatory cars insurance laws to cover civil liability for vehicles accidents. Through the previsions of ordinance 15-75 on compulsory vehicle insurance, amended and supplemented by act N 33-88 on compulsory vehicle insurance as a general law in compensation.

How to Cite
youssfat. (2020). Legal and Financial assesment of compensation for traffic accidents in Algerian legislation. Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 2(1), 47-60. Retrieved from[]=30