The impact of university education on entrepreneurial attitude-impirical study on master students in university of El-Taref

SLIMANI Mounira, BOUSSIF Sid Ahmed

  • youssfat
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, university education, Entrepreneurial attitude


  The study aims to identify the impact of university education on the entrepreneurial attitude of the master's students in all disciplines at the university of Chadli Ben Jdid Taref. To achieve this, a descriptive and analytical approach was adopted to collect and analyze data in addition to building a questionnaire and distributed to students., The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS V22) and the application of statistical methods to draw the mathematical model to predict the relationship between the two variables,. The study concluded that there is an impact of university education on the entrepreneurial situation, with the need to pay attention to improving the level of entrepreneurship education.

The study concluded that there is an impact of university education on the entrepreneurial attitude.with the need to pay attention to improving the level of entrepreneurship education.

How to Cite
youssfat. (2020). The impact of university education on entrepreneurial attitude-impirical study on master students in university of El-Taref. Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 2(1), 61-70. Retrieved from[]=31