Export strategy is a mechanism to support the ompetitiveness of Algerian date products

Hamri Noudjoud , Elbez Kelthoum

  • jege editor
Keywords: competitiveness index, productivity, date production, marketing


Dates are important and unconventional commodities because they can be processed and obtained from multiple by-products. The Algerian branch of dates is rich in energies, but Algeria's revenues from date exports do not reflect at all the areas of date palms or the number of palm trees, not even the volume of production from which only exports 3%, which requires the development of a marketing strategy for the export of dates, especially Douklet Nour, which has a competitive advantage (indicators of competitive price, competitiveness of excellence and competitiveness of production) are all strengths that can be exploited and developed as it is in the interest of exporting dates, which is an opportunity to penetrate promising and attractive markets

The aim of this paper is to clarify that date exports, which represent a reliable development objective and direction in the development of exports outside hydrocarbons, Requires a strategic vision, study and ownership of advanced marketing systems, especially as the dates of Algeria have competitive indicators that support their competitive position, ensure their survival and enable them to develop their market share.

How to Cite
editor, jege. (2020). Export strategy is a mechanism to support the ompetitiveness of Algerian date products. Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 2(2), 58-78. Retrieved from https://jege.univ-adrar.edu.dz/index.php?journal=jege&page=article&op=view&path[]=36