Poverty and Environment: When pollution hampers sustainable economic growth


  • jege editor
Keywords: sustainable development, pollution, External environment, Natural Resources


Recent developments in the facts and ideas have raised awareness of action for the preservation of the environment for sustainable development.
In this context, this article aims to take into account the impact of pollution on the continuity of development, considered a right must be realized to meet the needs of present and future generations.
  From this vision, it is essential to treat the place of environmental pollution in economic theory, its impact in sustainable endogenous growth with the consideration of externalities, and the correlation between poverty and the environment. To overcome the impact of pollution and chart a sustainable growth path.

How to Cite
editor, jege. (2020). Poverty and Environment: When pollution hampers sustainable economic growth. Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 2(2), 90-99. Retrieved from https://jege.univ-adrar.edu.dz/index.php?journal=jege&page=article&op=view&path[]=38