Administrative control of public transactions

Laksaci Sid Ahmed

  • jege editor
Keywords: Visa, Trusteeship public procurement committees


Because of the significant  development programs implemented by the Algerian government, which have been allocated large amounts of money to cover and materialize through public bargains, and must be censored and monitored, therefore, the Algerian legislator in Presidential Decree 15-247 established a system allowing the activation of the role of supervision in order to protect public money And to eliminate barrier that hinder the economic development through internal control by the Committee on Envelope Opening and Evaluation of Bids, after they were merged into one committee where they were two independent committees, stipulated in the previous regulations, and the before and after external  control of which are exercised by the competent committees transactions and control of the General Inspectorate of Finance and Accounting Council, in addition to other forms of censorship.

How to Cite
editor, jege. (2020). Administrative control of public transactions. Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 2(4), 76-92. Retrieved from[]=52