Professional accidents and their effects on the competitiveness of the institution 'Case study of GRTG company' of the state of Ain Témouchent (Algeria)


  • jege editor
Keywords: Safety program Work accidents, Institution competitiveness


This note addresses the impact of work accidents on the competitiveness of the company, as a large percentage of the world's workers are exposed to various accidents, including causing disabilities and physical disabilities, including those that lead to death, which results in additional costs for enterprises.  There is no doubt that our institutions are not without these incidents we conducted a field study in the institution (GRTG) Algerian company to operate the gas transmission network of the state of Ain Témouchent - Algeria, and we reached a set of results, the most important of which is the existence of a statistically significant effect between the occupational safety program and work accidents and competitiveness The company, relying on the program (SPSS) and concluded that this company is implementing the occupational safety program, as well as providing the necessary means of protection and security, in addition to the continuous training to prevent accidents that may be caused by gas in the process

How to Cite
editor, jege. (2020). Professional accidents and their effects on the competitiveness of the institution ’Case study of GRTG company’ of the state of Ain Témouchent (Algeria). Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 3(1), 25-37. Retrieved from[]=56