The basis of customs reconciliation in light of criminal jurisprudence opinions

Moumni Ahmed

  • admin admin
Keywords: Criminal conciliation, Customs reconciliation, The basis of the legality of customs, reconciliation


Criminal conciliation is one of the most important alternatives to a public lawsuit in light of contemporary criminal policy. This is due to the failure of the penal system to combat crime, especially customs crime. As a result of the customs reconciliation procedure, the customs administration gives up the pursuit of the customs crime in exchange for the person violating certain conditions

To devote the legitimacy of customs reconciliation, criminal jurisprudence has turned into three directions: 1, the direction of the concept of convenience, 2, the direction of the idea of reduced circumstances, 3 the civil nature of customs sanctions

How to Cite
admin, admin. (2020). The basis of customs reconciliation in light of criminal jurisprudence opinions. Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 3(2), 51-58. Retrieved from[]=67