Dissemination and impacts of new information technologies and communication (NTIC) on the banking system in Algeria


  • admin admin
Keywords: Banks, ICT, Competitiveness, Performance


The phenomenon of innovation and the increasing complexity of new financial instruments, supported by a phenomenon of disintermediation, had as a direct impact the intensification of competition between the different types of actors in the financial sector which thus made the market  more competitive. To this end, innovation is currently a key factor of competitiveness in banking companies looking to diversify their products.

The interest of this article comes from the topicality of the theme on the importance of new information and communication technologies (NICT) in various fields and more particularly in banking services. In this sense, it is essential to ask about the impact of NICTs on banking performance: the case of banks in Algeria. To complete our work, a review of the literature on the subject is essential, followed by a field survey in the city of Algiers on a sample of 15 public and private banks.

How to Cite
admin, admin. (2021). Dissemination and impacts of new information technologies and communication (NTIC) on the banking system in Algeria. Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 4(1), 10-25. Retrieved from https://jege.univ-adrar.edu.dz/index.php?journal=jege&page=article&op=view&path[]=92