The role of agricultural development in supporting economic development in Algeria Between reality and the need for reform

Bezzazi Samiya

  • Bezzazi Samiya Faculty of Economic and Management , University of Guelma, Algeria
Keywords: Development, Economic Development, Agricultural Development, Development In Algeria


In the current circumstances that Algeria is experiencing, from oil prices low, which is a major source of wealth for it, we find it looking to improve the contribution of agricultural development to the achievement of economic development objectives.

This article aims to study to what extent the agricultural sector has been able to play the roles expected in the economic development of Algeria.

We concluded in this study that, even with Algeria's great agricultural potential, the contribution of agricultural development indicators to economic development variables remains low, despite the adoption of a set of important reforms, among which we mention: The National Agricultural Development Plan and the Agricultural and Rural Renewal Policy of 2008.

Therefore, we believe that it is necessary to adopt more targeted reforms so that Algerian agriculture can play the role assigned to it in terms of economic development.

How to Cite
Bezzazi , S. (2021). The role of agricultural development in supporting economic development in Algeria Between reality and the need for reform. Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship , 4(2), 70-84. Retrieved from[]=117