تسخير الإبتكار والمقاولاتيّة لخدمة العالم الإسلامي بل والإنسانيّة جمعاء: تأثيرات، دروس وآفاق من جائحة كورونا “كوفيد-19“

سعيد أوكيل

  • سعيد أوكيل أستاذ تعليم عالي، جامعة الجزائر دالي ابراهيم، الجزائر
الكلمات المفتاحية: جائحة كورونا،, فيروس “كوفيد-19”،, تكنولوجيا، المعرفة, رأس المال الفكري،, بحث وتطوير،, ريادة الإعمال،


In the past few months, the whole world had been surprised and lived in a state of a severe panic as a result of the sudden advent of a deadly epidemic called "Corona", which at the time became the biggest and most important talk of the hour across the entire planet. Along with that, the media and social media played a pivotal role in adding to the muddy the buildup of fast and renewed, often confusing and even contradictory news. Very sadly, all this has resulted in a very perceptible decline in the process of public life internationally in its various aspects, including work, transportation, education, business and shopping, manufacturing, sports activities, prayers in mosques and all gathering spaces, etc. These circumstances have allowed huge and multiple efforts directed towards finding and developing rapid treatments with the hope of accelerating the marketing of a suitable and effective antidote or drug. All that done across various countries, researchers and drug companies, both in the public and private sectors, and specialised organisations, namely in developed countries.

One of the important and striking phenomena, along with our academic interests, that emerged as a result of the current exceptional circumstances, and that has obliged most of the people to confine themselves in forced isolation, thus reducing drastically their movements, and even their intercourse with each other, which negatively affected life in its natural and intimate image, is the emergence of competencies and talents in various countries, all trying to countering this dangerous epidemic, either by innovating medicine in the shortest possible time, or producing various other assistance needs, which would reduce the spread of the disease locally or internationally. Hence the urgent and proven need and recourse for exploring and investing in science, innovation, technology and entrepreneurship.

كيفية الاقتباس
أوكيلس. (2021). تسخير الإبتكار والمقاولاتيّة لخدمة العالم الإسلامي بل والإنسانيّة جمعاء: تأثيرات، دروس وآفاق من جائحة كورونا “كوفيد-19“. مجلة النمو الاقتصادي والمقاولاتية , 4(7), 82-170. https://doi.org/10.5281/10.5281/zenodo.4482060